MOISES LUJAN: Border Patrol Agent. Age 27. Latino. Married to Esperanza. Moises suffers from anxiety frequently so a character trait is constant shaking of his right leg and frequent repetitive patterns with his fingers. These are very subtle to others.
ESPERANZA LUJAN: Latina. 26. Married to Moises.
LUCAS LUJAN: Latino. 25. Tattoo and visual artist. Brother of Moises.
JAMES DAVIS: Anglo. Border Patrol Agent.
STEVEN RAMIREZ: Latino: Border Patrol Agent.
JUANA: Latina. Much older. Spiritual Healer.
Length: Full-Length
Production Specifications
Time and Place: The play takes place in a border town and in the desert. The time is the present.
MOISES LUJAN: Border Patrol Agent. Age 27. Latino. Married to Esperanza. Moises suffers from anxiety frequently so a character trait is constant shaking of his right leg and frequent repetitive patterns with his fingers. These are very subtle to others.
ESPERANZA LUJAN: Latina. 26. Married to Moises.
LUCAS LUJAN: Latino. 25. Tattoo and visual artist. Brother of Moises.
JAMES DAVIS: Anglo. Border Patrol Agent.
STEVEN RAMIREZ: Latino: Border Patrol Agent.
JUANA: Latina. Much older. Spiritual Healer.
Length: Full-Length
Production Specifications
Time and Place: The play takes place in a border town and in the desert. The time is the present.